A collaboration designed to offer affordable
legal services to the public

Self Help Center


Service Areas


Self-Help Center attorney appointments are available in-person at our three (3) Self Help Center locations. Upon request, telephonic appointments are available for your convenience.

Legal Self Help in Pinellas County

The Clerk's Legal Self Help Centers provide affordable legal assistance with court forms and documents to people who do NOT have a private attorney.

Services Available:

  • Attorney consultations for a minimum of $15 (Family Law, Small Claims and Landlord/Tenant matters ONLY). Please refer to our quick referral guide for more information.
  • Form and packet purchases for civil court actions.
  • Notarization and copies of documents.
  • Accommodations while doing business with the Clerk’s Office & using online resources:

    If you are a person with a disability who needs an accommodation, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. To request such an accommodation please contact the Office of Human Rights, by written or oral request, within seven days of the date but at least three (3) business days prior to the date the service is needed, at: 400 South Fort Harrison Avenue, Suite 500, Clearwater, Florida 33756, Phone: (727) 464-4880, TDD: (727) 464-4062; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711.

    Electronic ADA Accommodation Request for Pinellas County

Hours, Locations & Phone Numbers

A Spanish interpreter may be requested by contacting the Hispanic Outreach Center at (727) 445-9734.

Clearwater Courthouse
Wednesday and Friday appointments.
315 Court St., Room 114
Clearwater, FL 33756
Phone: (727) 464-5150
Fax: (727) 453-3423

St. Petersburg Judicial Building
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday attorney appointments.
545 First Ave. N., Room 103
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Phone: (727) 582-7941
Fax: (727) 582-7945

North County Customer Information & Service Center
Tuesday attorney appointments only.
3165 McMullen Booth Rd.
Fessler Center Building B
Clearwater, FL 33761
Phone: (727) 464-5150
Fax: (727) 453-3423

Self Help Attorney Consultation

Self Help Center services are available to all persons who are or will be parties to a Family Law case, a Residential Landlord/Tenant case (Non-Payment Rent only), or a Small Claims case (Not for injunctions, criminal, traffic, expungement, guardianship, probate, real property, foreclosures, commercial landlord/tenant, civil claims over $8,000, appeals, bankruptcy, federal case,  etc.) and are not already represented by an attorney.

The information that you give to and receive from Self Help Center personnel is NOT confidential and may be subject to disclosure at a later date. If another person involved in your case seeks assistance from this center, that person will be given the same type of assistance you receive.

Consulting with the Self Help attorney is limited to assistance with court-approved forms and procedural information. Meeting with a self help attorney is not intended to establish an attorney-client relationship. If more detailed legal assistance is required, it is best to consult with your own attorney.

Attorney appointments may only be scheduled for a minimum of 15 minutes to a maximum of one hour. All appointments must be scheduled in 15-minute increments, i.e., 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes at a rate of $1 (one dollar) per minute. Therefore payments will be $15, $30, $45 or $60 accordingly.

Attorney consultation fees must be paid at the time the appointment is scheduled. When making appointments online, you will need to pay by credit card.  If you need to pay for an appointment by cash, check or money order, you will need to come into one of our offices to schedule your appointment.  Refunds will not be issued for cancelled or missed appointments.  Appointment times may not be changed once set.

To get started, select an appointment location from the Schedule an Appointment tab, above.

If you have any questions, please call our Clearwater office at (727) 464-5150 or our St. Petersburg office at (727) 582-7941.

Select A Location Below

  • Assistance with Family Law, Landlord / Tenant (Non-Payment Rent only), or Small Claims cases only.
  • Assistance is for court-approved forms and procedures; this is not legal advice or representation.
  • Please seek the services of a private attorney if more than legal procedural assistance is required.
  • Not available for those already represented by an attorney.
  • Appointments are for 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes at $15, $30, $45 or $60 accordingly.
  • Payment in advance; there are no refunds for canceled or missed appointments.
  • Para asistencia en español, llame al Centro de Apoyo Hispano

Clearwater Courthouse Map

Downtown Clearwater Courthouse

Located at:
315 Court St., Room 114,
Clearwater, FL 33756

Attorney does not represent litigants in court.
Wednesday and Friday attorney appointments.
Phone: (727) 464-5150

St. Petersburg Branch Office Map

Downtown Saint Petersburg Courthouse

Located at:
St. Petersburg Judicial Building
545 First Ave. N., Room 103,
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Attorney does not represent litigants in court.
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday attorney appointments.
Phone: (727) 582-7941

North County Branch Office Map

North County Customer Information & Service Center 

Located at:
3165 McMullen Booth Rd.
Fessler Center Building B
Clearwater, FL 33761

Attorney does not represent litigants in court.
Tuesday attorney appointments.
Phone: (727) 464-5150

Book Appointment Now

Civil Forms Packets

The price listed on the cover of the following packets corresponds to the cost of paper copies, which are available at each Self Help Center location.  There is no cost to you if you wish to download any forms from this site.  Please note, not all forms may be necessary for every type of action.  Instructions are provided.

Use the Schedule an Appointment tab above to schedule an attorney appointment.  During your appointment, the attorney will provide you with procedural advice and assist in filling out civil court forms.  Appointments are made in 15-minute increments at a rate of $15.00 each, and may be scheduled up to 60 minutes for $60.00.

To purchase paper copies of any of the packets below, call (727) 464-5150.

Packet Name Form # & Self Help Videos Cost (Free to Download)
Adoption of a minor by Stepparent  4-A Video Link $14.55
Adoption of an adult by Stepparent  4-B Video Link $9.75
Answer/Counter-Petition/Paternity 2-B $25.35
Answer/Counter-Petition to Dissolution of Marriage with No Minor Child/Children 8-D Video Link $19.50
Answer/Counter-Petition to Dissolution of Marriage With Minor Child/Children 8-D Video Link $27.45
Constructive Service 1-C $4.80
Delinquent Tenant – Landlord/Tenant Eviction Residential - Possession ONLY    $4.50
Delinquent Tenant - Landlord/Tenant Eviction Residential - Possession & Damages  Video Link $6.45
Disestablishment of Paternity and/or Termination of Child Support 951(a) $13.80
Dissolution of Marriage with Minor Child/Children 8-B Video Link $31.95
Dissolution of Marriage with No Minor Child/Children 8-A Video Link $24.30
Ejectment Video Link $3.15
Income Deduction Order packet   $2.10
Modification of Alimony 3-C $17.10
Modification of Support 3-B Video Link $21.30
Modification of Parenting Plan/Time Sharing and Other Relief 3-A Video Link $26.40
Motion for Contempt / Enforcement Video Link $3.90
Name Change (Adult) 7-A Video Link $7.65
Name Change (Family) 7-C Video Link $15.60
Name Change (Minor Child/Children) 7-B Video Link $14.85
Paternity 2-A Video Link $27.60
Simplified Dissolution of Marriage 8-C Video Link $10.80
Small Claims Packet Video Link $1.20
Supplemental Petition to Establish Parenting Plan   $24.00
Support Unconnected with Dissolution of Marriage w/Minor Child(ren) 6-A Video Link $22.80
Support Unconnected with Dissolution of Marriage w/No Minor Child(ren) 6-B Video Link $18.45
Support and Parenting Plan Unconnected with Dissolution of Marriage w/Dependent or Minor Child(ren)  2(a) Video Link $28.35
Temporary Custody Under Chapter 751 (custody to extended family) 65 Video Link $21.00
Tenant Rights Video Link $1.95
Unlawful Detainer   $3.45
Vehicle Ownership   $0.90

Frequently Asked Questions

"Pro se" means "for oneself" or, "on one's own behalf", as in pursuing legal proceedings without an attorney.

For a quick referral guide on the legal areas the Clerk’s Office may statutorily assist with, please click here.

No. The attorneys will only assist with the Florida Bar pro se forms and aid in the understanding of the overall legal process. They will assist with any pleadings the person has received. They cannot represent people in Court.

There are three ways to schedule an appointment.

  1. Schedule an appointment online
  2. Call a location - Clearwater/North County (727) 464-5150 or St. Petersburg (727) 582-7941
  3. Visit the Clearwater, St. Petersburg or North County Self Help Center in person

Payment in full is required in order to make an appointment. Refunds will not be issued for canceled or missed appointments.

It is not necessary, but we highly recommend it. We understand that some issues require immediate action and we will try to accommodate walk-ins. However, the appointment calendar can fill very quickly. It will save you time if you make an appointment in advance.

There are several free legal assistance programs in Pinellas County that you may use if you meet the eligibility requirements. For information about these programs, Pinellas County residents may visit the Bay Area Legal Services website www.bals.org or call 1-800-625-2257.

Yes. All forms/packets are available for sale at a reasonable price. You may also download them at no cost from this site. A complete list of forms and packets may be found by clicking here.

Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity.